Fast Facts: Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation


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Fast Facts: Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation

June 10, 2014

Climate change is one of the defining challenges of our time. By putting climate change adaptation and mitigation at the heart of poverty reduction efforts, with proper attention paid to the needs of more vulnerable groups including women, UNDP helps to ensure that climate actions are flexible and resilient enough to meet climate challenges now and in the future.

UNDP in Pakistan strengthens national capacity to integrate environmental considerations into development plans and strategies, establish effective partnerships, secure resources, and implement programmes to support sustainable, climate-resilient development pathways.  It also ensures that communities are better able to manage, adapt to and monitor climate change, seeking out and sharing best practices and providing innovative policy advice to manage the environment in a sustainable manner that will advance poverty reduction efforts.  Our key areas of intervention– mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable natural resource management also strengthen community resilience.

Document Type
Regions and Countries