Walking the Climate Talk

DAP: Walking the Climate Talk - ENGLISH

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Walking the Climate Talk

July 30, 2021

Pakistan has reason to celebrate! It has been able to reduce its vulnerability to climate change by three points - from 5th in 2020, to 8th in 2021. Pakistan also earned the privilege of hosting the global World Environment Day this year in conjunction with the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030, with high-level participation and endorsements from world leaders. Under its ‘Green Economic Stimulus’, Pakistan has already achieved the target of planting one billion trees as part of its 10 Billion Tree Tsunami Afforestation Project. Meanwhile, its ‘Green Nigehabaan Initiative’ is providing thousands of job opportunities to youth and daily wagers.

These successes, along with the government’s multiple initiatives aimed at safeguarding its environment, protecting biodiversity and creating nature-based jobs, are proof of the country’s commitment to rethinking its political economic paradigm, and tying it strongly with climate responsibility.

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